Never ending stories...

But we will limit it to a select few. Our biggest challenge is narrowing down each unique adventure into a concise story that we can share. We have photographed thousands upon thousands of people everywhere in the world and we have yet to see a repeat story, each becomes the proverbial snowflake, as cliché as it may sound. We are located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and shoot most of our events local to the greater Toronto region however we do enjoy taking flight and traveling to a destination wedding. We specialize in candid documentary or the photo journalistic approach, because we feel it is most honest. The truth is of the utmost importance to us and that can be seen everywhere in things of beauty and yet what defines beauty? We like to characterize it as the byproduct of love and thus when you get two people together in a setting surrounded by friends and family, there is an abundance of beauty.

bride with veil on wedding day looks aside
I am lost for words and dripping in tears!
THESE ARE INCREDIBLE!!!! Thank you so so much!!! You did an amazing job and you truly captured the day! I am so overwhelmed with how you captured really who Carsen and I are and so many of our guests! This is amazing!!! Thank you!!!!!!!! I'm going to need some time to take it all in 🥰🥲 simply wow. Thank you so much!
— Heather + Carsen
bride and groom embrace in car backseat camera aware
I planned a wedding in the span of 3 months and was extremely lucky to have found you. From the very first moment of contact, I felt I was in the best of hands. They are so easy going, such a calming presence but at the same time displayed the utmost professionalism. Amanda and JD interacted with my wedding guests and everyone told me after the fact that they loved my photographers! I 110% recommend this duo, they are truly artists!
— Lucijana + Manuel
bride and groom kiss in a vinyard on wedding day
C19 delayed us 2 years with many rescheduled dates and JD and Amanda were willing to pivot each time, making us feel very at ease.
Our desired concepts were easy to determine and the shooting before the ceremony was quick and effective. We really didn’t want a long drawn out session (since guests were waiting) with too many clichés and they really understood that.
We could sincerely trust that we had the look we wanted, they are visionaries. Heck, the photos speak for themselves
— Amanda + Justin